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isolation: the state of feeling alone and without friends or help.

This is the definition of isolation. However, in contrast to the meaning of isolation, I captured the movement and vitality of people in crowded places. Viewers can feel the presence of a crowd in the pictures, but they are away from them and do not belong to them. As the pictures speed up faster, the sound becomes louder. When the speed and sound reach the peak, the screen suddenly goes dark and the sound disappears. The audience, who felt like they were surrounded by the crowd, suddenly feels left alone in the silence of empty space, and it shows the theme, isolation.

In the title 'isolation.', a period was added to indicate a discontinuity of the word. Also, images were changed to black and white so that viewers can feel cold and lonely rather than belonging. The overall length of the video is about one minute, and the same images are repeated three times. But at the end, the dark screen remains longer, leaving a lasting impression.

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